AVKARA had a great 2023. When I launched The Earth Lounger in January, I didn't have any experience or know where this new venture would take me, but I had the drive and determination to learn and grow. And, oh boy! Did I learn a lot.
There is so much that comes into running a business, and little did I know what I was getting myself into, but I am so glad I took this leap of faith.
I learned you have to pay attention to the negative experiences as well as the positive. Paying attention to advice and listening to what everyone had to say, helped me grow.
And speaking of growing... we have added a new line of beach umbrellas! We are excited to have a new product to offer and we felt it was a great fit for our brand. Come Check them out at the markets coming up!
(I'll send a list of where I'll be once I confirm those dates)

The Umbrellas have a unique print that is inspired by local Laguna Beach artists. We have seven different designs, and they are all made with a Boho feel, a wooden rod, and a marine-grade aluminum connector. These umbrellas make a statement while keeping you safe from the sun's rays with SPF50+ and a waterproof canvas.

Please keep in touch and see what we are up to this upcoming year!
We are looking forward to what 2024 will bring!

We wish you a prosperous and healthy 2024 and come visit us at a market in the future. We would love to catch up.